Seabass live in brackish water, caught from nature. Seabass meat is sweet and low in bone, so many customers prefer it. In fresh seabass with high nutritional content such as Protein, Fatty Acids, OMEGA-3, Calories, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron, Iodine, Seabass meat has good properties for treating depression, edema, weak swollen tendons, weak physiology, diabetes, evidence related to damaged blood gases are good to use.
– 100% natural fresh fish
– No preservatives
– No coloring products.
Product prices on Tiki include tax according to applicable laws. However, depending on the type of product or the method of delivery, there may be additional costs such as shipping charges, bulky goods, etc.
Storage | In refrigerator compartment |
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Seabass live in brackish water, caught from nature