The Sweetie Cherry Tomato Plant produces lots and lots of mini cherry tomatoes
Sweetie Cherry Tomatoes are incredibly sweet! – Organic Seeds by PowerGrow Systems
Farmed, harvested, packed and shipped in the USA – Each pack contains 20+ Sweetie Cherry Tomato Seeds (Lycopersicon lycopersicum)
Primo Italiano heirloom cherry tomato! This is a famous, sweet Southern Italian cherry tomato. Bright red 1 in. fruits, sweet, tangy and juicy. Grows so vigorously that it tends to outgrow some diseases. Hundreds of small fruit. Firm and meaty, the flesh is piquant and sweet, ready to star in salads. Fruits hold well after ripening. The vigorous vines need to be staked. Disease resistant. 70-80 days. HOW TO GROW: Once a few true leaves have developed, seedlings should be slowly moved outside (if sprouted indoors) to ambient light. Care should be taken not to expose seedlings to direct, scorching sun so plants may need to be hardened off via slow sun exposure. Hardening off can be done using a shaded or filtered light location, as well as protection from strong winds, rain or low humidity. Hardening off time varies, but can take 5-10 days. *** **SOIL Temperature for Germination: 70F **Plant Spacing: 3′-4′. **Hardiness: Zones 4-10 **Sun Requirement: Full Sun, **Days to Germination: 7-14 days under optimal conditions, **Germination Rate: 93%
Manufacturer | PowerGrow Systems |
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The Sweetie Cherry Tomato Plant produces lots and lots of mini cherry tomatoes